[0.377] Color Grading

It had always bothered me that the game looked nothing like the image in the banner above. I felt it was a bit too dark and flat in comparison.
That image is an in-game screenshot, of course, but heavily edited to make it look more striking.

So, with this update, I've added color grading to the game!

What do you think? I tried to find a decent balance. I think it gives the visuals a bit more character without making it look too much like an acid trip.
If you prefer the old look, you can toggle color grading on or off in the options.

Comparison between color grading on/off:

In the future, I might add options for customizable color grading as well.

Changes in v0.377:

  • Added color grading.
  • Added setting to toggle color grading on/off in video options.
  • Checkpoints at objective locations now only activate after the player has collected the item related to the objective.


Highway Raiders v0.377 (Windows) 110 MB
15 days ago
Highway Raiders v0.377 (Linux) 122 MB
15 days ago

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